Autumn comes slowly…the grass remains a stubborn green but the heat gives way to a gentle warmth…so now the wine began to outlast the day and that was more than anyone could’ve asked for.

December 12, 2008

As seasons change, clothing, hair, music, art, and people will all change, but one thing will remain the same, and that is that people will inevitably fall in love and choose to make it official by sharing a very special day with their friends and family. As Autumn crept its way through Central New York, I began to notice first not in the changing of the leaves, but in the colors and theme of the weddings I shot. Reds, oranges, and greens seeped into the bouquets, the shoes, the sashes, and the centerpieces.

The fourth wedding I am showcasing this year as a part of my “Series on Weddings in Which I Assisted Kristina from Photokisses” is that of Kate and Greg. They were married on a beautiful day in October just before the leaves begun to turn towards their warmer palette. Of course that didn’t stop us from shooting in both a pumpkin patch and an apple orchard!- (which in my mind signify two places that embody Autumn in its very essence , may I add). The reception was held at the Ramada on the Geneva Lakefront, and if you could imagine what two peas in a pod actually looked like, it would be this couple. So easily they fit together, and anyone could plainly see that by simply looking at them as they looked at each other. Not to mention that they both were fans of brightly colored footware.

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